Archive for 2005

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 25th, 2005

To whom it may concern: Merry Christmas! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Busy Busy Busy…

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

Hi friends, found a moment to tell you that I’m still totally tied up. :D

Caught drawing.

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

I’m deeply immersed into studies right now as I said before. Well, with little breaks when someone catches me with the camera. :)

On my own.

Sunday, November 27th, 2005

Uhh… So many things and duties are stacking over me these days. :( University, rehearsals for the Winter BDSM Ball, journalism… It would be great to spend time on communications and fun – if I had any! One of the best ways to relax and spend an hour on my own is to slip into something soft and hugging.

Fetish Calendar.

Sunday, November 6th, 2005

My newect creation is not a photo. A lot of photos!
I have released the StylishFetish Calendar 2006 with my favorite pictures.

After Fetish Party Nite III.

Friday, November 4th, 2005

What wonderful evening it was! Excellent fetish costumes of all the guests; sensual and friendly atmosphere; new and old buddies…

Aurora was greeting guests, setting up the show and doing all the backoffice job as the hostess of the evening.

Billy’s fantastic living dolls gave us a brilliant performance…

…and another one.

People were quite open and followed the show with great interest. Many of them were taking photos.

Of cource the dancing floor was full.

The creativity and inventiveness of our friends have no limit. The party was visited by Medieval Duke, a couple of Nurses, latex Cats, Angels and Devils, Sultan with his Harem and even a visitor from another planet…

The atmosphere was relaxing so that people from different communities (fetish, goth, BDSM and others) felt comfortable enough.

I loved the party and hope that the next one will be even better!!!

Everyday Life of a Housewife.

Monday, October 24th, 2005

Sometimes Aurora gets bored of fetish shootings and gets back to ordinary everyday duties in her kitchen…

Golden Autumn…

Sunday, October 16th, 2005

Despite I love heat and sun, the autumn has its own beauty and charm. Golden tones that paint the nature, make the air crystal clear and especially transparent; light smell of sorrow waves to last days of summer…

Happy Anniversary SillyBilly!!!

Friday, October 7th, 2005

Today is October 7th, the day when my favorite designer started his first site, ten years ago! I love his work, am happy to take part in his art and I’m grateful for he introduced me to the wonderful world of fetish.
In prize he gives out a set of his best pictures:
I’m a part of the StylishFetish crew for only three years, but nevertheless I feel being together with all photographers, makeup artists, assistants etc. They are usually behind the scenes, but sometimes they get caught by the camera. Here are some of those captured moments:

And here is the hero of the occasion caught doing his labor:

I bumper
and empty the glass for the talented good guy and his creative fashion projects!!!

Keep it up, Billy!!!

Fetish Party Nite III

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

StylishFetish invites to take part in the Third Fetish Party Nite in Moscow!

Welcome all the lovers of stylish and fetish stuff!