Archive for the ‘party’ Category

Zentai Dance.

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

And one more video!

More Charity Striptease!

Monday, November 21st, 2011

The Sweater Charity Night had a big resonanse in mass media. You may follow these links to see a lot of pictures taken there by different photographers.

And a small video with me. It’s in Russian but at least you will hear my voice first time ever. :-)

Anyone Has His Own Way to Lenity.

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Yesterday I took part in a very unusual happening – Charity Striptease Night.

A small restaurant in the center of Moscow hosted a public musical feast of unused clothing delivery to the Fair Help Fund devoted to help homeless people. First time in history we converted an act of adult entertainment into bright social act of help and support! And first time ever, striptease helped to not unclothe but to coat and warm hundreds of poor people and possibly save some lives in Russian frosts. Dismanled guests were warmed up by the show and some hot drinks sponsored by the restaurant company. The show was maintained by StylishFetish team and “The Powder” dance ensemble.

Photographer: Billy (

Secret Desires.

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Hi dear friends! I’m happy to greet you with St. Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year. Also in Russia we have the Forgiveness Sunday today, so please forgive me for not pleasing you so long with my updates. In the nearest future I start posting my ‘lost and found’ pics, and now I begin with photos from the ‘Secret Desires’ shop opening in August.

We’ve made a really nice photo set there!

Photographer: Billy (

A Lot Of Latex.

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

hello everybody! Happy New Year, merry Xmas and all.
Long time no see. University, exams, and lots of everything. Will try to get back closer to you! Starting now with yet another Rubberday photo set.

Photographer: Billy (

Evening Paper.

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Have a look at this article about Russian fetish scene written by an insider. Looks very unbiassed and frank.
Masters and Slavs: an introduction to kinky Russia

Latex Fun.

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Hot days in Moscow – it’s great to spend some time with friends on the river bank…

Photographers: Billy (, Anatomic, DuxShamana, nik757.

RubberDay Again!

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Here is a mega sexy set for you my dear fetish lovers! Don’t forget to appreciate my killer outfit and take a look at my new Ballet boots! :D

Photographer: Billy (

RubberDay in St. Petersburg.

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

As you know already, I made St. Petersburg happy with a visit. :) I also called on the RubberDay 7 where I met the star of FetishBunker site – Helly the Rubber Girl…

…and many other girls.

Photographer: Billy (

My New Video!!!

Friday, May 29th, 2009

Two video clips from RubberDay in Moscow. Latex, gasmask and a lot of sexy girls!

I’m waiting for thousand comments!