Archive for the ‘spandex’ Category

Zentai Dance.

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

And one more video!

More Charity Striptease!

Monday, November 21st, 2011

The Sweater Charity Night had a big resonanse in mass media. You may follow these links to see a lot of pictures taken there by different photographers.

And a small video with me. It’s in Russian but at least you will hear my voice first time ever. :-)

Anyone Has His Own Way to Lenity.

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Yesterday I took part in a very unusual happening – Charity Striptease Night.

A small restaurant in the center of Moscow hosted a public musical feast of unused clothing delivery to the Fair Help Fund devoted to help homeless people. First time in history we converted an act of adult entertainment into bright social act of help and support! And first time ever, striptease helped to not unclothe but to coat and warm hundreds of poor people and possibly save some lives in Russian frosts. Dismanled guests were warmed up by the show and some hot drinks sponsored by the restaurant company. The show was maintained by StylishFetish team and “The Powder” dance ensemble.

Photographer: Billy (


Saturday, August 20th, 2011

My latest vacation took place in Greece – the country I visited several times before. This time it was Zakynthos, the tiny island in the Ionic sea. Here you can see me strolling along the main street of Zakynthos, the capital of this beautiful piece of Earth.

Photographer: Billy (

Abandoned Hope.

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Sometimes things happen this way… She’s waiting – and He’s not coming over… and over again.

Photographer: Billy (


Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Did you know that sand baths are very healthy? In addition, it’s an excellent way to escape the annoying world for half a hour… ;)

Photographer: Billy (


Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Sad or not, but every good thing tend to finish – including my Cyprus vacation. I had excellent rest, got some fresh powers and am ready to go on my Diploma project.

There’s marvellous spring time on Cyprus, everything is growing and blossoming – and I tried to follow the trend :D

Photographer: Billy (

Summer a Little Bit.

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Spring is only trying to begin here in Moscow, so here’s yet another summer picture from Rodos. And yes, today is my birthday.

Photographer: Billy (

Secret Desires.

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Hi dear friends! I’m happy to greet you with St. Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year. Also in Russia we have the Forgiveness Sunday today, so please forgive me for not pleasing you so long with my updates. In the nearest future I start posting my ‘lost and found’ pics, and now I begin with photos from the ‘Secret Desires’ shop opening in August.

We’ve made a really nice photo set there!

Photographer: Billy (


Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

I’m often being asked, how are my wigs fixed to the head when I swim or dive. Now, the answer. Usually I just catch them so fast, so it’s not caught on any photo. Well, except these two ;)

Photographer: Billy (