Water Battle!

“Friendship of Nations” is the main founatain at the All-Russian Exhibition Centre (VVTs), formally known as VDNKh, in Moscow, Russia. The VVTs was foundated at 1939 as agricaltural exhibition of Soviet Union. The fountain was built in the early 1950s and the 16 girls around the sheaf of sunflowers and hemp in the middle represent the 16 Soviet Socialistic Republics that formed Soviet Union at that time. 15 now are independent countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Moldavia, Kirghizstan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The 16th represent Karelo-Finnish SSR that existed from 1940 until it was merged back into the Russian SFSR in 1956.

This summer a huge Water Battle took place here!

Photographer: Billy (StylishFetish.com).

2 Responses to “Water Battle!”

  1. pixelscan Says:

    Oh that dress is back! That beautiful dress from Sunny Santorini in 2008 – my favorite of all time. And I’ll never forget those matching gloves, Aurora! I’m so glad you chose to give us another look…

    The shots of the battle are some of the most dramatic you’ve ever produced. I like how your dress becomes clingy, and the stockings show air bubbles – almost like thin latex. A water pistol in hand really brings out your vindictive side. And, you weren’t overlooked by your fellow warriors either – I can see them eyeing you and taking photographs. The images of you standing next to the statues really gives them immense scale – Vera Mukhina’s creations shine brightest in your presence!

    But in my opinion, the best photographs were taken while you were still dry – the flowing lines of the dress not yet weighted down by the water. Those heels so dangerously tall, and your hair still so full. (Are you growing your hair back, or have I been cleverly fooled?) They preclude the impending storm of chaos that would soon take place at the fountain.

    Another beautiful set of photographs, complemented by interesting historical references. I hope others share their opinion too.

    So glad you’re back – please keep posting, Aurora!

  2. pixelscan Says:

    Hi Aurora – I’m so sorry that the other fans are keeping silent this time. I hope it’s just because they can’t find the words to express how much they enjoy your artwork, and how dearly you are appreciated. So, in that regard, please don’t be discouraged by the thin responses to this post – it is beautiful.

    I speak for all fans when I say that you are wonderful, and we love you much, Aurora!

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